Monday, July 22, 2013

“Time for some thrilling heroics."

daddy is the unsung hero in our house. he can turn a moonlit bike ride up and down our street into the most rousing adventure, complete with gold coins tumbling through pockets cut on the sly, war ammo rocketing every which way, and portals that open up out of nowhere, all for the sake of hatching dastardly plans with one little boy. he also reveals a pretty slick trick silencing the ever freaky, panic inducing bicycle bell with none other than the mysterious one glove that showed up on his handlebar sometime in the night with nary a trace of its rightful owner. in the midst of it all, i glide up and down the street smiling, thankful to be a part of this moment. i feel the most profound joy, stained with sadness, as i marvel at the magical connection between boys and fathers and long for another little boy to come home. 

i saw this the other day and laughed:  “The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.” i laughed, but then i thought it’s probably true, and i will try to remember it. waiting is indeed so hard for me, the worst part by far. but the flip side to that must surely be the little boy who also waits… and sweet boy, you are definitely one of the best parts of my life.

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